Finance Monthly Global Awards 2016 Edition

Finance Monthly Global Awards 2015 5 FINANCE MONTHLY G L O B A L A W A R D S 2 0 1 6 Finance Monthly is extremely proud to officially announce the full list of finalists and, of course, the winners of this year’s Finance Monthly Global Awards! In this special awards publication, we recognise and commend financial organisations and advisors worldwide who have performed in the highest level possible, particularly in light of the ongoing uncertainty in global economy, which has recently been increased after Britain’s vote to leave the European Union. When tasked with identifying the most successful organisations and advisors from around the globe in order to produce this special awards edition, Finance Monthly’s research team has through careful consideration worked hard to assess nomination entries, and conduct extensive research involving clients and peers. The end result is an awards publication which contains some of the most successful and trusted firms operating in the dynamic financial sector, which will undoubtedly continue to experience growth through their commitment to excellence in 2016 and beyond. So, without further ado, we are proud to share the results of a lot of hard work, hours spent sifting through votes and cross-checking against voting criteria data. We are excited to present our 2016 Global Awards – a celebration of the best in the international financial arena! Congratulations to our winners and finalists.

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