Finance Monthly Global Awards 2016 Edition
55 FINANCE MONTHLY Finance Monthly Global Awards 2016 UNITED KINGDOM The SRA engaged in pursuing this Firm for three years and accepting evidence from a non-solicito 3. We have also evidence of the SRA pursuing a solicitor and demanding the surrender of their files whilst this solicitor was in the middle of a high Court litigation and the deprivation of the files would have resulted in over 400 clients losing their cases. 4. We have also evidence that black and ethnic minority firms feel intimidated and completely unable to function properly because of the fear of investigations. 5. There are continuously new regulations which are confusing and not beneficial to the majority of the members. 6. The bilateral firms are completely ignored. A bilateral firm belongs to 2 jurisdictions and is unanswerable to 2 professional bodies. It so happens that regulations from the SRA conflict with the regulations of the home country and the SRA regulations. It is necessary that an examination of the bilateral regulations and assistance by the governing professional bodies should be undertaken. 7. Presently there is a ‘strife’ between the Law society and the SRA on new regulations for the profession. Democratically, the matter must be the subject of a member’s vote. This is not happening. The Changes we Demand 1. The Attorney General to be the Leader of the profession 2. ThattheprofessionalbodiesofEuropeshouldbeconsultedinordertogainfromtheir experience as regards regulations. 3. There should be a discussion between countries as regards bilateral firms. 4. A committee to be elected amongst members to represent the professional regulatory body. 5. Theremustbediscussionandnotdiscourseinordertoresolvevariousdisputes.We invite you al to come to a meeting to discuss the above and to reach some conclusionsorresolutionstobegiventotheprofessionalbodiesoftheLawSocietyor to the SRA. 6. Assistance to be given to solicitors unfairly ‘destroyed’ by the Regulators. 7. The Law society, when petitioned, should assist its members. 8. A new regulatory body to be elected by vote amongst all members. 9. Thereisaneedofcloserconsultationandunderstandingofthefirmsbusinessandof their problems. 10. All those supporting the above please join us. 11. Ameeting isorganised in theHouseofCommons to focuson theabove. Datewill be announced. 12. Please participate for your own information on the Solicitors profession.
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