Finance Monthly Global Awards 2018 Edition
About Nabila Mallick Nabila Mallick is top tier ranked in the Legal 500( regional). She was shortlisted for Barrister of year (East Midlands) corporate social responsibility barrister twice (Birmingham Law Society, achieving highly commended in 2015. She has appeared in BBC interviews. She started practice in the field of Employment, Public Law (emphasis on immigration) with Human Rights, some eighteen years ago. She has represented a cross section of people in the UK, as well as undertaking more recently some international work with European Lawyers (regulated by the German Bar Council). She has appeared in test cases before the court of appeal and challenged the UK government at the European Court of Human Rights. In more recent years, she has advised and represented a number of FTSE 200 companies, as well having represented litigants in discrimination claims of over £500,000. In the last few months she has achieved £473,000 and £285,000 in damages for equality act claimants. She is a member of a Legal 500 Top Tier Chambers of 200 Barristers with highly reputable Employment Law and Public Law Team comprising a number of leading silks including the Attorney General, Jeremy Wright QC and a former Home Office Minister, Mike O’Brian. No5 Chambers founded the Midlands Employment Law network and North west Employment Law network together with Slater and Gordan running training for lawyers, as well as connecting Employment lawyers with each other. She regularly receives positive testimonials including from FTSE in house counsels and senior professional direct access employees “ A sincere and heartfelt thank you to her and your firm for enabling her to support me. She was intellectually impressive, accommodating, compassionate and kind and I count it an honour to have dealt with her. ” (Direct Access client) “Nabila is as far removed from the archetypal rapacious lawyer as it seems possible to be. She is personable, committed, thorough, acute and strategic - in fact, someone who always gives 110 per cent to advance her client’s cause.” (Professor of Economics, Leicester University) “Please could you pass on my congratulations to Counsel for the fantastic result ... really appreciate the hard work and the costs tactics, which paid dividends in the end.” Katherine Gibson, Legal Counsel (Employment & Litigation), Coca-Cola Enterprises Ltd. “ She leaves no stone unturned when building cases.” Legal 500 2017 “ She combines merciless forensic scrutiny with passionate commitment to justice .” Legal 500 2016 (Top Ranked, Band 1) Nabila has a keen interest in Equality Act claims. She is a firm believer that preventive steps can be employed through effective management practices such as ‘triple down’ dialogue between management and staff and regular equality act training (She is happy to discuss bespoke training packages tempered in respect of staff composition and environment. She regularly advises at grievance stages in bullying and harassment cases NABILA MALLICK Contact Nabila Mallick Email: Web: www.no5å.com Finance Monthly Global Awards 2018 41 UNITED KINGDOM EMPLOYMENT LAW BARRISTER OF THE YEAR
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