Finance Monthly - Global Awards 2022

Finance Monthly Global Awards 2022 USA 31 Canyou tell us aboutwhat ledyou to specialiseas a familybusiness coach? I grew up in a family business. My grandfather started a business that my father took over and my cousin took over his father’s business and brought his son in. I realised I had great inside information and experience that could help other families. I was relatable. I really enjoy working with families, especially the kids in preparing them to take over. Whatdoes thisawardmeantoyou? The reward acknowledges my experience, expertise and contributions to working with family businesses and hopefully will encourage family business leaders to call me to assist them. Is thereaparticular personormentor figurewhohas inspiredyourwork to date? My dad, who passed away almost 20 years ago, was my inspiration because he was a solid businessman who made sure he lead a balanced life so he was always present. I have had many mentors in Marc Kramer Founder & CEO Stress Free Family Business Email: Tel: 484-288-0594 My philosophy is tobedirect, honest, ethical, sincere and authentic while trying tomaximise the skills of my clients andmake sure the family cancelebrate holidays and major family events. my career. Even at 61, I still seek mentors. Many of my mentors are entrepreneurs who have built great businesses. Is thereaparticular creedor philosophy that informs yourwork? My philosophy is to be direct, honest, ethical, sincere and authentic while trying to maximise the skills of my clients and make sure the family can celebrate holidays and major family events. Howdoyouplan todevelopyourself andyour organisation in thecoming year? I plan to write a book that will guide families through the leadership and generational transition process along with how to improve all aspects of their business and make sure family members remember that the relationships are most important. Writing this book will allow me to speak to successful family businesses and different business experts.

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