Finance Monthly Global Awards 2022 Israel 96 About LaraLevin Lara Levin is a former CEO and the current Head of Development and Teaching at GoldenCare Medical Centre. She holds an MA in Scientific Philosophy and is an MCC (Master Certified Coach) at the International Coaching Federation. She is experienced as an executive coach, corporate coach and generative coach with the International Association for Generative Change and a mentor in a special unit of the Israeli army. Lara Levin In Her Own Words: “I entered my coaching career at an early age, already knowing what my heart wanted and understanding that coaching helps people in every field to become happier and more effective. There are plenty of opportunities to coach people in both a personal and professional context: • Articulating desires and vision • Managing stress and wellbeing to maximise energy • Thinking through difficult decisions • Leading through changes in organisations • Exploring ways to improve communication • Facing fears of conflict and emotional reactions in oneself and others • Finding solutions for dealing with difficult people and situations • Experiencing greater fulfilment and success • Strengthening relationships at work and at home • Handling work-life balance • Inspiring greater team performance • Aligning leadership teams • Shifting corporate culture • Increasing employee engagement throughout an organisation For coaching be successful, clients should know what will occur in a typical coaching session. Clients should also be made aware that they will experience the best outcomes if they do the following: - Respond to reflective statements and questions, even when it feels uncomfortable, as this is the best opportunity for a breakthrough. - Be an active participant, not a curious bystander. - Meet commitments for action between sessions. - Carve out time to think about coaching conversations. My mission is to change the coachee’s world in every single session and bring them closer to success – even if it is only by one step.” Head of Development and Teaching GoldenCareMedical Centre Lara Levin Tel : +972 505-405-043 Email: Instagram: LaraLevin0302 | Facebook: Lara Levin Lara Levin Coaching Leader of the Year My mission is to change the coachee’s world in every single session and bring them closer to success – even if it is only by one step.
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