Finance Monthly - Global Awards 2023

21 Finance Monthly Global Awards 2023. UNITED KINGDOM including European markets, participating in large catastrophe claims that has impacted their profitability and the way in which they view risk. Inadvertently, this will have a huge impact on emerging markets, and Africa, that have not been active in catastrophe losses will not be spared the potential adverse effects. As Maksure Risk Solutions we assist our clients in emerging markets to elevate the pricing of secondary perils in line with global trends. Europe, the UK in particular have, in the last two to three years, been faced with a high inflationary environment. This has also impacted the way that reinsurers view sum insured adequacy and issues of application of average in general. Although most emerging markets have already been faced with issues of inflation, we have seen the elevation in the management of sum insured adequacy through the tightening of clauses and policy wordings. Finally, if you could have any superpower for a day, what would you choose and why? I would have the superpower of omnilingualism, which is the power to speak and understand any language fluently instantly. Not only will this mean my reach will be limitless, that l can easily enter spaces and make connections easily – but should anyone “talk behind my back”, l can catch them out. Maksure Risk Solutions is an Afro-global independent specialist insurance and reinsurance broker with a business footprint in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Caribbeans. We provide innovative and tailor-made risk solutions in Insurance and Reinsurance as well as Risk Financing and Actuarial Consulting geared towards capital management and strengthening our client’s balance sheet. Our global nature ensures that our clients access A-rated market capacity and stay abreast with the world’s most equipped think tanks and tailored solutions. The United Kingdom entity is our latest addition to the group, having been established and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) in March 2020. The group’s history dates back to 2013, when the company was incorporated in South Africa and registered with the Financial Services Provider (“FSP”). The establishment of the Maksure UK office was to act as a gateway for African businesses that require complex capacity from the world’s largest financial hub, including the Lloyd’s of London. Furthermore, the UK office was also established as a response to the growing need for an organisation to meet the unique needs of the African diaspora residing in the diaspora (Europe, the Americas and Asia) by designing and offering bespoke products that may not be found in the mainstream markets. Today, the company is recognised as a niche player servicing the African and the Caribbean markets with reinsurance capacity in the lines of aviation, political violence, financial lines, clinical trials, large property accounts in mining, oil and gas, and renewable energy, to name a few. The company relies on its 5 key core competencies which are: • Deep understanding of the emerging market risks that require complex capacity from Europe and other developed reinsurance markets • World-class specialist technical skills in risk financing, reinsurance, actuarial consulting, and insurance broking • A blend of cell captive management (non traditional insurance) and reinsurance structuring expertise backed by a world-class network of capacity holders and strategic relationships. • State-of-the-art IT systems that allow us to support our clients in handling large corporate risks facultative and treaty reinsurance with great efficiency • Exceptional product design and route-to- market skills. ABOUT MAKSURE RISK SOLUTIONS

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